State Budget Expenditures on Research, Development and Innovation in 2010 and 2011 (in thousands of CZK)

(Act No. 433/2010 Coll., on the State Budget of the Czech Republic in the year 2011)





Institutional expenditure

Targeted expenditure

Expenditure in total

Institutional expenditure

Targeted expenditure

Expenditure in total

Office of the Government

 38 722

 10 086

 48 808

 39 315

 10 103

 49 418

Czech Security Information Service







Ministry of Foreign Affairs

 13 527

 7 000

 20 527

 13 404


 13 404

Ministry of Defence

 91 407

 357 114

 448 521

 98 387

 268 357

 366 744

National Security Authority







Ministry of Labours and Social Affairs

 37 272

 26 678

 63 950


 31 204

 32 159

Ministry of Interior

 39 044

 329 753

 368 797

 60 763

 420 485

 481 248

Ministry of Environment

 186 023

 292 905

 478 928

 222 853

 108 736

 331 589

Ministry for Regional Development


 28 559

 28 559


 23 458

 23 458

Grant Agency of the Czech Republic

 70 276

 1 945 866

 2 016 142

 93 204

 2 367 686

 2 460 890

Ministry of Industry and Trade

 509 600

 3 312 368

 3 821 968

 581 973

 3 266 133

 3 848 106

Ministry of Industry and Trade *)

 2 842 400


 6 664 368




Ministry of Transport

 23 019

 76 886

 99 905

 1 336

 7 779

 9 115

Ministry of Agriculture

 425 664

 416 774

 842 438

 408 078

 404 055

 812 133

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport

 7 209 895

 3 727 663

 10 937 558

 6 919 034

 3 527 962

 10 446 996

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport *)

 1 158 199


 12 095 757

 3 000 000


 13 446 996

Ministry of Culture

 75 415

 23 171

 98 586

 70 365

 141 205

 211 570

Ministry of Health

 207 625

 632 230

 839 855

 377 789

 698 115

 1 075 904

Ministry of Justice


 5 781

 5 781


 6 873

 6 873

Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Catastre

 22 159


 22 159

 34 391


 34 391

Czech Mining Authority


 9 740

 9 900




Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

 4 567 365

 583 055

 5 150 420

 4 462 707

401 592

 4 864 299

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic **)

 7 526


 5 157 946

 1 478


 4 865 777

State Office for Nuclear Safety 

 17 684

 19 595

 37 279




Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

 51 960


 51 960

 69 375

 780 102

 849 477

Total ***)

13 586 817

 11 805 224

 25 392 041

 13 453 929

 12 463 845

 25 917 774

Total ****)

4 008 125


 29 400 166

 3 001 478


 28 919 252


*) including advancing of the EU programmes
**) including advancing of the EU programmes and advancing of the EEP Norway programmes
***) expenditures on the State Budget of the Czech Republic (Act No. 130/2002 Coll.)
****) including advancing of the EU programmes and advancing of the EEP Norway programmes 

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