State Budget Expenditures on Research, Development and Innovation in 2013 and 2014 (in thousands of CZK)

(Act No. 433/2010 Coll., on the State Budget of the Czech Republic in the year 2014)




Institutional expenditures

Targeted expenditures

Only state budget total (without pre-funding)


Total expenditures

Institutional expenditures

Targeted expenditures

Only state budget total (without pre-funding)


Total expenditures

Office of the Government 34 000 0 34 000 0 34 000 33 000 0 33 000 0 33 000
Ministry of Defence 84 688 297 837 382 525 0 382 525 89 977 323 000 412 977 0 412 977
Ministry of Interior 57 088 565 145 622 233 0 622 233 59 930 570 000 629 930 0 629 930
Ministry of Environment**) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic 110 276 3 199 153 3 309 429 0 3 309 429 107 576 3 356 971 3 464 547 0 3 464 547
Ministry of Industry and Trade 504 011 2 020 039 2 524 050 1 983 333,333  4 507 383,333 507 434 1 057 226 1 564 660 1 983 333, 333 3 547 993,333
Ministry of Agriculture 379 823 388 649 768 472 0 768 472 395 652 378 552 774 204 0 774 204 
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport 6 939 161 2 840 042 9 779 203 11 978 051 21 757 254 6 683 172,1 3 849 343 10 532 515,1 5 993 046 16 525 561,1 
Ministry of Culture 72 244 398 748 470 992 0 470 992 74 901 406 079 480 980 0 480 980
Ministry of Health 402 424 818 767 1 221 191 0 1 221 191 427 744 900 000 1 327 744 0 1 327 744
Ministry of Justice**) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 4 411 841 37 351 4 449 192 0 4 449 192 4 452 257,359 0 4 452 257,359 0 4 452 257,359
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic 99 030 2 457 457 2 556 487 0 2 556 487 98 077,761 2 864 414 2 962 491,761 0 2 962 491 761
TOTAL 13 094 586 13 023 188 26 117 774 13 961 384,333 40 079 158,333 12 929 721,220 13 705 585 26 635 306,220 7 976 379,333 34 611 685,553

*) expenditures to sheltered income from EU programs and funding mechanism
**) chapters have only support from the R&D funding

source: ACT No. 504/2012 Coll. on the State budget of the Czech republic for the year 2014

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